Life Groups



Lead people in a growing
& wider relationship with
Jesus Christ.

Experience heartfelt worship, good friends and a refreshing look into God’s Word in a comfortable, casual setting. Church is committed to coming alongside families in a way that helps.



We are a community who want to follow Jesus.
We’d love you to come and be amongst us.


Small groups are gatherings of 5-15 people that meet in
homes and businesses throughout the week. These groups
meet to explore God’s Word and connect with each other
in genuine relationships.

Small Groups come in all shapes and sizes – married couples, singles, men’s, women’s, children, no children, workplace, young adult.

Why Small Groups?

A table surrounded by the people who know you and love you where prayers are given and prayers are received. An Adopted family of friendship and belonging. This is a Life Group.


Purpose of Small Groups

There are five essentials components you will see in our small groups: Life Change, Cultivate Relationships, Provide Care, Promote Participation, Identify Future Leaders

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